Nom | Libellé | Question |
B6 |
Age at death
| |
B7 |
Age at death (months, imputed)
| |
B8 |
Current age of child
| |
B9 |
Child lives with whom
| |
B10 |
Completeness of information
| |
B11 |
Preceding birth interval (months)
| |
B12 |
Succeeding birth interval (months)
| |
B13 |
Flag for age at death
| |
B15 |
Live birth between births
| |
B16 |
Child's line number in household
| |
Index to Birth History
| |
M1 |
Number of tetanus injections before birth
| |
M1A |
Number of tetanus injections before pregnancy
| |
M1B |
NA - Month of last tetanus injection before pregnancy
| |
M1C |
NA - Year of last tetanus injection before pregnancy
| |
M1D |
Years ago received last tetanus injection before pregnancy
| |
M1E |
Last tetanus injection before pregnancy (CMC)
| |
M2A |
Prenatal: doctor
| |
M2B |
Prenatal: Nurse,Midwife
| |
M2C |
Prenatal: Aide Soignante/ Assistante Accoucheuse
| |
M2D |
NA - Prenatal: CS health professional
| |
M2E |
NA - Prenatal: CS health professional
| |
M2F |
NA - Prenatal: CS health professional
| |
M2G |
Prenatal: traditional birth attendant
| |
M2H |
Prenatal: Matrone
| |
M2I |
Prenatal: Community/Village Health Worker
| |
M2J |
NA - Prenatal: CS other person
| |
M2K |
Prenatal: other
| |
M2L |
NA - Prenatal: CS other
| |
M2M |
NA - Prenatal: CS other
| |
M2N |
Prenatal: no one
| |
M3A |
Assistance: doctor
| |
M3B |
Assistance: Nurse,Midwife
| |
M3C |
Assistance: Aide Soignante/ Assistante Accoucheuse
| |
M3D |
NA - Assistance: CS health professional
| |
M3E |
NA - Assistance: CS health professional
| |
M3F |
NA - Assistance: CS health professional
| |
M3G |
Assistance: traditional birth attendant
| |
M3H |
Assistance: Matrone
| |
M3I |
Assistance: Community/Village Health Worker
| |
M3J |
NA - Assistance: CS other person
| |
M3K |
Assistance: other
| |
M3L |
Assistance: Friends/relatives (CS)
| |
M3M |
NA - Assistance: CS other
| |
M3N |
Assistance: no one
| |
M4 |
Duration of breastfeeding
| |
M5 |
Months of breastfeeding
| |
M6 |
Duration of amenorrhea
| |
M7 |
Months of amenorrhea
| |
M8 |
Duration of abstinence
| |
M9 |
Months of abstinence
| |
M10 |
Wanted pregnancy when became pregnant
| |
M11 |
Desired time would have waited
| |
M13 |
Timing of 1st antenatal check (months)
| |
M14 |
Number of antenatal visits during pregnancy
| |
M15 |
Place of delivery
| |
M17 |
Delivery by caesarean section
| |
M18 |
Size of child at birth
| |
M19 |
Birth weight in kilograms (3 decimals)
| |
M19A |
Weight at birth/recall
| |
M27 |
NA - Flag for breastfeeding
| |
M28 |
Flag for amenorrhea
| |
M29 |
Flag for abstinence
| |
M34 |
When child put to breast
| |
M35 |
NA - Number of times breastfed during previous night
| |
M36 |
NA - Number of times breastfed during previous day
| |
M38 |
Drank from bottle with nipple yesterday/last night
| |
M39A |
Did eat any solid, semi-solid or soft foods yesterday
| |
M39 |
Number of times ate solid, semi-solid or soft food yesterday
| |
M42A |
During pregnancy: weighed
| |
M42B |
During pregnancy: height measured
| |
M42C |
During pregnancy: blood pressure taken
| |
M42D |
During pregnancy: urine sample taken
| |
M42E |
During pregnancy: blood sample taken
| |
M43 |
Told about pregnancy complications
| |
M44 |
NA - Told where to go for pregnancy complications
| |
M45 |
During pregnancy, given or bought iron tablets/syrup
| |
M46 |
Days tablets or syrup taken
| |
M47 |
NA - During pregnancy, had difficulty with daylight vision
| |
M48 |
NA - During pregnancy, had difficulty with night blindness
| |
M49A |
During pregnancy took: SP/fansidar for malaria
| |
M49B |
During pregnancy took: chloroquine for malaria
| |
M49C |
During pregnancy took: API (CS) drug for malaria
| |
M49D |
During pregnancy took: Coartem (CS) drug for malaria
| |
M49E |
During pregnancy took: Combinal (CS) drug for malaria
| |
M49F |
During pregnancy took: Quinine (CS) drug for malaria
| |
M49G |
NA - During pregnancy took: CS drug for malaria
| |
M49X |
During pregnancy took: other drug for malaria
| |
M49Z |
During pregnancy took: don't know
| |
M49Y |
During pregnancy took: no drug for malaria
| |
M50 |
Respondent's check up after delivery
| |
M51 |
Respondent's checkup after deliver timing
| |
M52 |
Respondent's health professional checked up after delivery
| |
M54 |
Received Vitamin A dose in first 2 months after delivery
| |
M55A |
First 3 days, given milk (other than breast milk)
| |
M55B |
First 3 days, given plain water
| |
M55C |
First 3 days, given sugar/glucose water
| |
M55D |
First 3 days, given gripe water
| |
M55E |
First 3 days, given sugar/salt solution
| |
M55F |
First 3 days, given fruit juice
| |